

Intent (Aims)

History is the study of people in the past and how their actions have influenced our lives today. History can help children to make sense of the world in which they live and can help them to develop a sense of identity as they gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world in which they live.  

The intent of our history curriculum here at Abbots Ripton Primary School is to provide our children with an understanding that the society in which we live, has been shaped by the past. They will learn about the role of significant individuals, events and periods that have played a part in shaping today’s modern society. By studying historical source material, the children will be encouraged to ask questions, deduce information and solve problems through an investigative approach.   The children will develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history.  

Implementation (Teaching and Learning)

Here at Abbots Ripton Primary School our curriculum map is organised so that children cover each element of the National Curriculum programme of study.  We teach discrete History lessons and children know that this means that they are learning about the past. 

At both Key Stages the emphasis is on developing and understanding the methods of historical enquiry through the study of a particular period, event or significant person. Links are made with other subjects: this is encouraged but only where this benefits learning in both subjects.  For example learning about the geography of invasion in order to better understand the history of invasion. 

Children will develop a coherent, chronological narrative from the earliest times to the present day and as they move through the school, they will develop an understanding of where the people and events they study fit within a chronological framework; identifying similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.  

We have developed a consistent approach to chronology with the use timelines, which are introduced in Reception and built upon through to Year 6.   Children will have regular opportunities to review previous learning, placing in chronological order, the units already studied.  Our youngest children learn about the most recent history starting in Early Years where they develop an understanding of past by thinking about themselves as babies and significant events and people in their past such as birthdays and starting school.  Then in Key Stage 1 learning focuses on changes within living memory as well as significant periods and people as far back as Queen Elizabeth I.  In Lower Key Stage 2 they move further back in time to study the stone age to iron age as well as the Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.  Our oldest children learn about ancient civilisations  and the legacy of some of these for us today.  They also undertake a study of some local history for Abbots Ripton that had a national impact. 

See our long term curriculum map below for unit titles and the overviews for further detail.

Impact (Assessment and Recording)

History is recorded in History books and/or folders. In KS1 this may include a History Learning Journey which collates the learning journey for the class where there is little individual evidence in the form of written responses. Some of the evidence may involve photographs or teacher's notes.

Teachers assess by making observations of the children working during lessons; listening to their responses and observations as well as looking at the work that they produce.  As part of our assessment for learning process, children will receive verbal feedback as appropriate in order to aid progress in the subject.  Children are also encouraged to be critical of their own work, highlighting their own next steps. After each topic, teachers assess ‘outliers’ as those who have not gained the planned knowledge and understanding and those who have gone beyond this.  A summary of these is collated at the end of each academic year. 


All History lessons/activities are designed and planned to include all children through a range of approaches.  This could include the use of multi-sensory approaches for example visual timelines or storyboards of key events. In order to reduce the amount of written text, learning can be presented in different ways for example listening to Churchill's speech rather than reading it.  Pre-teaching of new  historical vocabulary for example history specific words such as chronological and artefact as well as abstract terms such as power.  A working wall for History may also be utilised with pictorial representations of vocabulary, images, artefacts etc. to make the learning more accessible. 

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and British Values

By studying different aspects of history and by questioning aspects of morality that is a part of historical discussion, the children will establish a deeper understanding of how people’s lives have changed and developed over the centuries. Examining different cultures and how they have contributed in historical terms will also give children an awareness of our own multi-cultural identity.

Many units of history will allow the children to reflect on the idea of democracy and the Rule of Law for example discussion about how laws impact upon the rights of individuals is found in the study of the Anglo-Saxons; in particular King Alfred.  Mutual respect is one of the fundamental British values and this can be developed by reflecting on the tolerance of other’s beliefs and values particularly when groups of people come together (through invasion and settlement).